What to Do About Negative Reviews?

This is probably one of the most common questions I hear from physician practices. No one likes to hear criticism or bad news, especially when it is broadcast on the Internet for all to see. 

While the temptation is to just delete the comment if possible, negative reviews can be relationship-building opportunities in disguise. They provide a platform to engage, to be human, to be transparent, to take accountability, to correct, and to repair.

So, how should you respond?

1. Acknowledge that you have heard the complaint.
2. Apologize for their experience.
3. Reinforce your commitment to patient care, safety and satisfaction.
4. Diffuse the situation and take the conversation offline by offering a contact person and phone # to call.

Keep it general and respect privacy — don’t include any patient-specific information in your response.

Responding to negative reviews demonstrates that you care, that you value your current relationships enough to listen and to change if need be. And in this world of skepticism and corporate doubt, this level of attention and integrity can be both refreshing and powerful.