Those who are new to marketing (and even some who aren’t) often want to jump in with a pie-in-the-sky approach. They want an ad in the major local newspaper, a billboard, a drive-time radio blitz, a seminar series or a television commercial. While these mediums all have a place and purpose in the world of marketing, they also come with high price tags and often are not the best approach for a small business or medical office, especially one with a limited budget just starting out. You want results. Or as one of my favorite marketing leaders, Seth Godin, emphasizes, you need to build your “tribe.” Some of the best ways to do that?
- Get to know your smaller, community publications and magazines. Often, the advertising rates are half those of the local newspaper. Plus many welcome articles from you as well, further positioning you as a resource to the neighborhoods you serve.
- Reach out to community and professional groups who are in your target market. If you are a pediatrician, it could be a Mom’s Club or the local PTAs. If you are a cataract surgeon, it could be church seniors groups. If you are an OB/GYN, it could be Junior League or a professional women’s organization. Offer to be a resource to them — speak at one of their meetings or provide an article for their e-newsletter.
- And of course, don’t forget about the people who already know you – your staff, your patients, your referring physicians, the nurses you work with at the hospital or surgery center. When you have news to share, be sure they are the first to know. And try to make your interactions with each of them memorable. They, in turn, will become your advocates — your walking, talking, personal “billboards” — without the hefty price tag.